Assistive Devices Program
The Assistive Devices Program (ADP) is a program operated by the Ontario Ministry of Health which helps provide funding to persons requiring specific devices. ADP contributes to covering the costs for 8000 separate pieces of equipment including selected wheelchairs, scooters, mobility aids, special seating systems, and also covers specific custom made orthoses (braces).
Am I Eligible?
ADP Eligibility includes:
- Any permanent resident of Ontario resident who has a valid Ontario Health card issued in their name and has a long-term physical disability which will require the use of the device for a minimum of six months.
- Equipment cannot be required exclusively for sports, work, travel or school. It must be needed for ongoing daily living activities within the applicant’s residence: therefore the residence must be fully accessible.
- ADP does not pay for equipment available under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board or to Group “A” veterans for their pensioned benefits.
- There are specific eligibility criteria which apply to each device category.
How Much Funding is Provided?
- ADP typically covers 75% of the price of the equipment. Funding excludes batteries needed for power devices. There may also be certain options that are not covered by ADP.
- The price of the equipment is standardized across Ontario – the prices of these devices are pre-determined by the Ministry of Health.
- If you are on ODSP, have benefits from Ontario Works, or are covered through Assistance to Children with Severe Disabilities, you may be eligible to receive additional funds. Otherwise, typically you or your insurance (extended health benefits) will pay the remaining portion.
- ADP may also offer assistance in funding new equipment if your old equipment is worn out, or if your needs or body size have changed.
How Do I Apply?
For Mobility Equipment:
The Assistive Devices Program (ADP) requires that you have an assessment done by a occupational therapist or a physiotherapist who is registered as an authorizer with ADP. The authorizer will fill out the application.
For Orthoses:
Your doctor fills out the prescription section of an ADP application, then the form is given to the certified orthotist to have the brace made.
What is an Assessment?
The assessment usually takes place in your own home. At the assessment, the therapist will assess your condition and will determine how you will benefit from, and which device or devices will best fit your needs. The therapist will then determine the size, model, and features of your equipment.
What Happens After the Assessment?
The following will occur if the therapist determines that your are eligible to apply for a equipment funding:
- He/She will fill out the ADP application form. The form requires three signatures: the client’s, the therapist’s and the vendor’s (C & DC orthopaedic Services).
- C & DC orthopaedic Services or the therapist will mail the completed application to the ADP office.
- While you wait for the approval for funding, depending on your needs, C & DC Orthopaedic Services will reduce your burden and will provide you with loaner equipment.
- You will be required to pay the client portion of the purchase price upon ordering the new equipment, or if it is in stock, upon receipt of the equipment .
- At the ADP office, your application will be reviewed to ensure that you are eligible to receive the ADP funding.
- When your application is approved, ADP will notify your therapist and C & DC Orthopaedic Services to let them know exactly how much money will be contributed to the purchase of your equipment.
We Will Help!
Our team of experts will help you fill out your paperwork and walk you through the entirety of the process.